Council Staff Team
The Council is required by the Local Government Act 1972 to ‘appoint such officers as it considers necessary for the proper discharge of its functions’.
The 1972 Act entrusts a number of responsibilities and duties to the Proper Officer of the Council (another title of the Clerk).
Local councils also, by law, have to ensure that one of its officers has overall responsibility for the administration of its financial affairs.
This role is the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
At Grange Town Council, this is the Clerk.
The Town Council currently has three members of office staff.
These are the Town Clerk, the Hall Manager and the Finance Administrator.
The Clerk line-manages the Hall Manager and the Finance Administrator.
The Town Clerk and the Hall Manager are both contracted to work 30 hours a week.
The Finance Administrator is contracted to work 18 hours a week.
The Hall Manager line-manages the Hall Cleaner (9 hours a week) and the casual Hall Team (casual hours contracts).
The Staffing Committee line-manages the Town Clerk and is appointed each May at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council.
Committee Members are recorded in the minutes for the May meeting each year.
For the Terms of Reference for the Committee, download the link below.
The 1972 Act entrusts a number of responsibilities and duties to the Proper Officer of the Council (another title of the Clerk).
Local councils also, by law, have to ensure that one of its officers has overall responsibility for the administration of its financial affairs.
This role is the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
At Grange Town Council, this is the Clerk.
The Town Council currently has three members of office staff.
These are the Town Clerk, the Hall Manager and the Finance Administrator.
The Clerk line-manages the Hall Manager and the Finance Administrator.
The Town Clerk and the Hall Manager are both contracted to work 30 hours a week.
The Finance Administrator is contracted to work 18 hours a week.
The Hall Manager line-manages the Hall Cleaner (9 hours a week) and the casual Hall Team (casual hours contracts).
The Staffing Committee line-manages the Town Clerk and is appointed each May at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council.
Committee Members are recorded in the minutes for the May meeting each year.
For the Terms of Reference for the Committee, download the link below.
Staffing Committee Terms of Reference.pdf |