Chris Bannister, singer song writer & John Denver look alike will be performing live each week from his living room.
For more information & details of how to join one of the concerts, please CLICK HERE
The Town Council Office will be closed over Christmas & New Year from 1pm Thursday 17th December & not re-open until 10am Monday 4th January 2021.
Have a good Christmas (even if you are Socially Distanced) & lets hope 2021 see us all getting back to some sort of normality. Grange Town Councillor Mrs Tricia Thomas, is encouraging us all to join in her BIG little Carol Sing on Christmas Eve at 4.30pm The format will be like the "Clapping for the NHS" we all did over the summer, but this time lets sing a couple of Carols & help lift everyone's spirits at what is going to be a very difficult & lonely Christmas for a lot of us. The carols Tricia has chosen are: Jingle Bells (one verse & the Chorus) and We Wish You A Merry Christmas. If you need the words to these carols CLICK HERE The BIG little Carol Sing When – 4:30 pm Christmas Eve Where – Your Doorstep What – Like ‘Clap for Carers’ but this is Carol singing for us all. 1 ‘Jingle bells’ 2 ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’ 3 Cheers! Clapping! 4 ‘Merry Christmas Everyone!’ SPREAD THE WORD & LETS SEE IF WE CAN'T GET THE WHOLE OF THE CARTMEL PENINSULA SINGING!! Following today's announcement that we are in Tier 2, the Victoria Hall can look forward to welcoming back the small groups that had been using the hall before the November Lockdown.
We will open early December, with the same restrictions as before. Hope to see you all again soon. Due to the new lockdown for November, the format for Remembrance Sunday will be as follows and not as given in Grange Now:
The poppy organisers will place the wreaths on the War Memorial first thing Sunday morning. The Mayor will read out the names of the fallen and lay one wreath on behalf of the Town Council and the people of Grange at 11am and observe the 2 minutes silence. On Wednesday 11th November, a member of the Royal British Legion will lay a wreath and observe the 2 minutes silence at 11am. The Royal British Legion Standard Bearer will be in attendance on both days. If you have your own wreath or would like to pay your own respects, please do so outside of these times. Please be respectful of others and maintain social distancing at all times. Hopefully we will be back to normal in 2021. Electricity NorthWest will be working on Hampsfell Road by St Paul's church from today (Wed Nov 3rd) until the 16th November. Traffic lights will be in operation.
Click Here for a link to Cumbria Highways website We have just been told that SLDC have cancelled PromArt for the foreseeable future in line with their policy of not allowing events to take place on their land during the current COVID situation.
To download the ADMIN DECISION document, click here In Autumn 2020, Highways England will deliver a number of maintenance & improvement schemes on the A590, between M6 junction 36 & Brettagh Holt roundabout. As a result there will be road closures & contraflow systems in place. The southern section of the M6 junction 36 will be closed from 14 September to 10 October. Diversion routes will be in place throughout. For more details visit:
Attractions & Places to Visit In & Around the Grange-over-Sands AreaAs Grange Information Centre is currently closed to the public, here is a list of the Visitor Attractions & Places to visit in & around the Grange-over-Sands area that are open (or about to open) to the public.
Click here to download the list Promenade Recreation Ground Re-opensThe Promenade Recreation Ground has now opened to the public for tennis, putting and crazy golf. Weather permitting the facility will be open as follows:
Monday to Friday: 12noon until 3pm Saturday & Sunday: 12noon until 5pm Public Loos Now OpenFinally the Public Loos are now open to the public.
All loos have been converted into "Contactless Payment Only" so no-one is handling any coinage and therefore less likely to pass on any germs. Please Stay Safe whilst using the facilities by:
Victoria Hall UpdateUnfortunately the Victoria Hall remains closed. Government guidelines do not yet allow any live events of Music, Drama or Dancing. These are the "mainstay" events. Also it is really difficult with Social Distancing. At 2 meters apart capacity will be reduced to no more than 30 in the Main Hall and at this number most events are not viable.
We continue to look at options & but until the Government lift restrictions, we will remain closed. It is a really difficult situation. With the help of the Victoria Hall Support Group, the number of events & functions in the hall was on the increase & there was a real buzz about the place However, we will not be beaten - we will re-open & with everyone's help we will get back to some resemblance of normality!! The kitchen refurbishment project is still on-going. Our grant applications were declined as the grant providers are now only concentrating on projects related to COVID issues. Whilst this is understandable we are really disappointed. However, with the proceeds from events held by VHSG before "Lockdown" the project is half way there. The general public continue to be very generous and we have received several donations towards the kitchen project & if these continue, there is every possibility that we could get the project started before the end of the year. If you would like to contribute towards the cost of the refurbishment, please send your cheque (payable to: Victoria Hall Support Group) to: Kitchen Project, Victoria Hall, Main Street Grange-over-Sands, LA11 6DP. All donations will be gratefully received. Best wishes to you all & keep safe. I hope to see you all in the Victoria Hall in the not too distant future. Sally Haines Victoria Hall Manager . Cumbria County Council & Partners have today launched a new emergency support service at high risk of becoming ill & who do not have support available from friends, family or neighbours.
The Emergency Telephone Support Line is: 0800 783 1966 You can also email your request for help to: [email protected] Further details about this support service can be found online at: As from today Mon 30 March there will be some changes to the bus service in South Lakeland.
The changes effecting Grange are as follows: X6 Kendal/Barrow service will operate a Sunday Service only Mon to Sat. 530 & 532 will operate as normal for the time being. To check for updates & to view changes to other services in South Lakeland please CLICK HERE South Lakeland District Council sent us a great message!
Like us, they are all still there and committed to working. The District Council look after bin collections, environmental protection and benefits and want to reassure you that these will be maintained. All the Councils (Town, District and County) are working with each other and the NHS to keep everyone safe. If you need to contact the District Council you can phone them on 01539 733333 or email as usual to [email protected] It's really encouraging to see how quickly everyone is moving to make sure that everyone in the community is looked after. Pop a note through your neighbours door, say hi and let them know they are not alone. For those of you who may be feeling alone, we'll be posting details of help very soon.
Last night Grange Town Councillors made the difficult decision to close the Victoria Hall to the public in light of the current situation. This means that the Information Centre is closed & all events in Victoria Hall have been cancelled until further notice.
if you have bought any tickets through the Information Centre for the following events: March 21: Trial By Jury & Pirates of Penzance March 28: Furness Bach Choir April 7: Poetry, Pate & Plonk and would like a refund, please contact the Town Council Office to arrange this. Email: [email protected] Tel: 015395 32375 Grange Town Councillors & the office staff are working behind the scenes to keep the council working Carla has decided to cancel the Tap Dance class & the Silver Swans ballet classes for the next few weeks.
Arnside & Ulverston Choral Societies have cancelled their Victoria Hall concert on the 2nd May. Hopefully a new date will be arranged in the future. Grange Drama have also decided to postpone their summer production until November. Any further changes to "What's On at the Vic" will be posted here as & when they happen. The following events, due to be held in the Victoria Hall this March, have been cancelled due to the uncertainty surrounding the spread of the coronavirus:
March 21: Kendal Gilbert & Sullivan Society's production of Trial By Jury & Pirates of Penzance March 26: Bay Community Singers Charity Concert. March 29: Save Grange Lido Exhibition All these events hope to re-schedule at a later date. SLDC Local Plan team will be in the Victoria Hall Tuesday 3 March from 3 - 7pm
This is your chance to get involved & help South Lakeland address the issues that are important to our community. Information Boards are currently in the foyer here at the Victoria Hall for you to view & come along on Tuesday to chat to SLDC's Local Plan 2040 team. For more information: South Lakeland District Council will be at the Victoria Hall, Grange-over-Sands on Monday 2nd March 2020 between 2 & 7pm, seeking stories, insights & information from residents & businesses on the history of Grange to feed in to the plans for the repair & refurbishment of the Promenade.
Officers will be on hand to talk through the proposals & learn more about the town's much loved promenade. Attendees will also have a chance to look at some visuals that are in development for the promenade works. You can also submit comments online. Just search: Cumbria Citizen Space and click on: Grange Promenade Enhancements Climate do WE change?Join the climate change conversationHere at the Victoria Hall, Grange-over-Sands from 7 - 9pm tonight Thursday 27th February.
A new round of ‘Climate Conversations’ is being held to allow residents in South Lakeland the chance to have their say on issues around climate change and biodiversity loss. These will be the third round of conversation events run by the council since 2018. In that time we have:
For more information visit the website: |
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